Sunday, September 16, 2018

on loving people first

-leading a child in love
-cannot speak wisdoms too early
-to be patient, truly patient, through the foolishness


sometimes the right way to love someone isn't to speak a truth to them that they cannot yet understand; it is to comfort them to their whims, while occasionally challenging them to grow. perhaps that is love. perhaps this is God's design - to challenge humanity to rise out of our sin, discovering christ and falling away and discovering him again in new ways.

what beautiful swish of sacred words delicately pat this night-time sky
can these words ever last longer than a wash of my eyes, one night

how delicate and great and wise we see

what strength God has to love others well
truly divine

it really is between me and God - as I lean on Him in my relationships with others
for who else can possibly know me? certainly no human can like Him

I have been the young fool before others before
I still am, in some ways, as I learn new tasks about my days

that strength - that wisdom of knowing oneself well
that they may give to others how they give best
God, what strengths should I be turning to, to growing?

a poetic mind with soft spirit and churning thoughts that drizzle out papers and ideas
is this me? is this the path I will go down next?
and have you hidden this from me before because it was too early for me to know?

Friday, April 20, 2018

sinusoidal action and thought

i always liked how you hid behind words. maybe it's because I was the same. it's like our secret, that we were both insane.


poetry is such a beautiful way to magnify the present, to bring it right up to your senses.

good reflection, for enjoyment

but keep forward with the action

action and thought: two in sinusoidal flow


I've learned plenty from others these past 2.5 years. The thoughtlessness of others, the desire to push forward with action rather than pause, meditate, enjoy the moment - so alien.

Or perhaps, I just didn't closely enough, and we actually were doing the same thing. It was just that our amplitude and frequency were different for our action-thought sin waves.