Thursday, January 16, 2014


what is this lethargy - this sluggishness around me?

the smoke dissipates as the workload comes on. he rubs the smog off his curved glasses, leaving a gray spot on his shirt. a strange silence consumes him as he bumbles about in his apartment...


hypnotism - a very real thing - exploiting the weaknesses (?) of the mind. more evidence of this bodily burden. how do you know you're not hypnotized right now? like how do you know you're not dreaming... the same question. our identity is a bumbling mess that relies on our memories, but even those aren't secure. the wheel breaks the butterfly, but the butterfly may not have noticed, flapping about to fly up to the sun while it is actually falling. it doesn't know. a faded collage brushes its paint across my face, making me look silly as I sit about and lay claims to "depth" not "breadth" in my work, when he really knows nothing. clever whims, yells, lost and searching - you have to trust that you don't know what you want, as always, and that this breadth for the remainder of your time here is breadth that shall leave an imprint, more than just footprints on sand that washes over within the day, but actual burn marks on the gaps of your imbibing heart and mind; subtleties that drive your subconscious. yeah, that. it's still lurking, or sleeping, or standing by watching, as you try to train to master yourself, but you have to train the subconscious to work in unison with your conscious. find that peace and calm, that complete unity in action and work. the clutter should vaporize; wisps of faint white drifting upward and then blowing away with the wind.

it's hard to see, but the subtlety
shakes the ground beneath your feet
can't walk straight without watching
the silent guidance which you can't keep

trust that you don't know - trust that it's all in the process, all in the process, all in the process...

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