Thursday, February 20, 2014

startling serenity

the odd tremors of happiness bubble and froth inside, yet the smile doesn't break out ceaselessly on your lips; it's an odd state of mind, the kind that wakes you up at 4am and spurs you to write, not out of pain, but out of startling serenity. when achievement - the fulfillment of dreams - fixes all the cracked mirrors in one fell swoop, you find yourself staring at your reflection in wonder. this calm after the storm you've prepared for so long, dreaming as a little kid, realizing as you rise through your prime. I reach out my hand and feel for the tiniest remaining drizzle (umbrella cast aside); feel for any last bit of incompleteness.

it's internal: the obstacles are set up for yourself by yourself, and you recognize that you're only 1% of what you could be.

the full flow that consumed you 8 hours ago, that same flow you strive to master, to pour your mind through and imbibe in any given moment with a single encapsulating breath, swallowing your ship whole; the captain, the crew, merged, unified. all in the zone.

still must learn to inhale and exhale
the tempo through each vein;
train the ship to roll
in tempo with the waters;
synchronize the heartbeats
of each crew member.

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