Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Vacillating - just choose one

vacillate - verb (used without object): to waver in mind or opinion; be indecisive or irresolute

A few personal traits I want to improve on:
-making up my mind quickly

About the second one - it's important to have the mentality of just choose one! for the sake of productivity. Really... think about the cost of vacillating, of being uncertain. It eats up time better spent with something else, and it's especially bad if the issue is insignificant.

Here's one example (beware: 99% of you won't know what I'm talking about): choose Webrat or Capybara. They're both testing frameworks for Ruby on Rails, and I ended up choosing Capybara because (1) it has ongoing support and (2) whoever I asked seemed to be using it. There, done and done. Even if I had gone the other way, it's no big deal.

Okay, if that example flew over your head, then think about day-to-day things. Here's one: Which homework do I do first? If you're a high school student staring blankly at assignments crudely jotted down in your planner, wondering where to start, just choose one! In the end, you're going to do them all anyway (right?), so it's inconsequential where you start. The impact is just... nil.

So you probably get the idea that I appreciate maximum efficiency. Very true.
I really strive to make my time as productive as possible - which, actually, might tie to my patience threshold...

1 comment:

Please be considerate in what you say.