Thursday, July 10, 2014

independence day

truly a day of independence - exploring and composing words of my own, definitions that capture observances that strengthen how we approach problems: Source 1, Source 2, cringe obstacles


soft morning sounds fade in through the window, car echoes slipping from the pebble-strewn street and levitating to hug the trees in the suburban landscape. quiet tones fill up the waking blankets, never organized, and a delicate array of petals drift about, sinking away, to the earth. this street could be a lily pond.

maybe the inspiration should stretch to make others see through your eyes: to captivate and inspire others to do good work, to live up to values, and alter all those things we never think about.

it's a pretty serious time for change, adjusting my view, yet it's important to never look too good nor talk too wise. stay humbled and kind, but the aloofness should never degrade to eery icicles dripping from poorly insulated ceilings, ready to drop, stone cold. instead it should be a quiet warmth, perhaps a candle, that directs it's kind light and heat this way and that, occasionally settling to be someone's bonfire.

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